Friday, 26 September 2014

Microsoft Dynamics AX – History and Benefits

Microsoft is renowned for developing applications that can provide comprehensive solutions for several issues including business and individual. Microsoft has developed enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution to assist business of all sizes. How the idea provoked in the multi-national and how it transformed over the year is so important to share that I have decided to write about it.


The history:

Microsoft is into ERP solution development, but an important announcement was made in September 2005 when the IT giant renamed and integrated all its ERP products. The transformation was important to share as it has changed
  • Great Plains into Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Navision into Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • Axapta into Microsoft Dynamics AX
  • Solomon into Microsoft Dynamics SL
  • CRM into Microsoft  Dynamics CRM

The purpose:

The reason behind this merger was to unify all applications under Dynamics title. The merger has brought some change in the product usage pattern as some products need to be there as a base while some need to be phaseout according to individual needs. To know what to do what, here are the details about every product.

Microsoft CRM 3.0 is the latest application offers integration facility with other Microsoft products such as Active Directory, MS Exchange, CRM SDK and XML web services. Recently update patches can integrate CRM 1.2 and 3.0 with MS Dynamics GP 7.5 and 8.0.
Organizations use project development measures must use Microsoft Dynamics SL, as this is specifically designed for project-driven organization. An enterprise must understand that no one else can offer them.

Microsoft Dynamics GP bought the Navision in 1984, and since then the updates have been made to facilitate database functionality. Initially, Navision was designed as a database-proprietary platform, but after it has become the sole property of Microsoft it has become an independent product owning market strategies, work plans and independent design. This tool has been getting famous among American and European companies as it is flexible enough to work in any kind of business. Microsoft has launched Navision in Eastern Europe and in Brazil, where it has hundreds of clients since 2005.
  • Microsoft GP is completely different from the old Great Plains, for instance, version 5.5 to 7.5 are now available for Pervasive database platforms and has a huge market.  Its version 8.0 is available for MS SQL Server, although it is available in English speaking countries such as Latin America, USA, Australia, UK, New Zealand and South East Asia.
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX has faced lots of changes and now it is a completely different product from AXAPTA. It is offering a comprehensive solution to several business problems.
  • Microsoft dynamics CRM is absolutely different from good old CRM, as it is developed for building better customer relationships. It has a lot of features to facilitate different business tasks by forecasting sale activities, managing inventory and many other activities in a warehouse.

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