Friday, 26 December 2014

How MS Dynamics AX is a Next Generation ERP Solution?

How it is different?

MS Dynamics AX 2012 comes with all new features and sets a new standard for simplicity (probably remaining ERP solutions are lacking). The new edition is ready to capture every detail of the product, but instead highlights the key innovations that make ERP Solution 2012 powerful, agile and simple. Here we are discussing its two of very talk about traits and also how it is different from other ERP software.

MS Dynamics AX


MS Dynamics AX is quite different and “POWERFUL”as many enterprise resource management (ERP) systems are still working on managing the administrative dimensions of your business, payroll, general ledger and HR, while the real operation of the business is managed elsewhere. This software solution is different because it is covering both the administrative and operational requirements.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 delivers rich, industry-operational functionality which is not only out of the box, but offers proven functionality for industries like manufacturing distribution, retail, public sector and service industries. By delivering this capability, this ERP solution offers more value faster, and establishes a strong platform for independent software vendors (ISVs) to more efficiently deliver the specialized vertical functionality unique to verticals within those industries. Moreover, it is designed to offer comprehensive base functionality and a portfolio of specialized vertical solutions means a better fit for the needs of your business, more value, and more rapid time to value.


AGILE Excellence for a business application begins with two primary challenges and they are:

  1. How well does the software model the real world?
  2. How quickly can I make it fit my business in a rapidly changing world?

And in case the fidelity between software model and reality is high, then implementation is straightforward, easy and the software is able to provide strong insight along with ability to empower efficient business execution. However, if it is reluctant to provide such thing then implementation is filled with compromises and workarounds and the usage of the software is accommodated with challenge and complexity. It’s that simple that how Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is different.

This technology is a set of unified all natural models that let you see, measure, and change your business according to its very unique needs. In fact, every application concept involved in representing the business in software was reexamined and defined in its own unique way. In each case, limitations that forced workarounds as well as traditional business compromises in older ERP products were eradicated and new capabilities were added to provide an even richer software representation of a business and its structure, activities, processes and policies. Moreover, it is a unified natural model of this ERP Solution which makes ‘modeling simple businesses’ fast and easy.

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